Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 7.457
EU - Europa 7.034
AS - Asia 1.428
SA - Sud America 78
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 18
AF - Africa 9
OC - Oceania 3
Totale 16.027
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.434
RU - Federazione Russa 2.113
IT - Italia 1.435
UA - Ucraina 1.111
DE - Germania 791
SE - Svezia 530
VN - Vietnam 472
SG - Singapore 427
GB - Regno Unito 426
CN - Cina 410
FR - Francia 317
FI - Finlandia 107
BR - Brasile 57
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 41
LT - Lituania 37
TR - Turchia 28
IN - India 25
PL - Polonia 21
BE - Belgio 19
CA - Canada 19
EU - Europa 18
NL - Olanda 14
HK - Hong Kong 11
KR - Corea 11
ID - Indonesia 10
ES - Italia 9
AT - Austria 8
DK - Danimarca 8
RO - Romania 7
CH - Svizzera 6
CL - Cile 6
BO - Bolivia 5
IL - Israele 5
IR - Iran 5
AR - Argentina 4
EC - Ecuador 4
EE - Estonia 4
IE - Irlanda 4
IS - Islanda 4
JP - Giappone 4
PT - Portogallo 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
HU - Ungheria 3
MA - Marocco 3
NO - Norvegia 3
TW - Taiwan 3
EG - Egitto 2
GH - Ghana 2
GR - Grecia 2
JO - Giordania 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
MX - Messico 2
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 2
PA - Panama 2
PH - Filippine 2
TH - Thailandia 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AM - Armenia 1
AU - Australia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
CO - Colombia 1
HR - Croazia 1
IM - Isola di Man 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MD - Moldavia 1
ME - Montenegro 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MT - Malta 1
MY - Malesia 1
PE - Perù 1
PK - Pakistan 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
Totale 16.027
Città #
Woodbridge 982
Fairfield 777
Ann Arbor 757
Chandler 647
Houston 559
Dong Ket 469
Dearborn 410
Wilmington 390
Ashburn 385
Moscow 344
Nyköping 306
Seattle 303
Jacksonville 299
Singapore 278
Cambridge 232
Southend 212
Boardman 194
Naples 176
Rome 116
Princeton 112
Lawrence 110
Beijing 100
Shanghai 78
Yubileyny 78
Ogden 75
Grafing 69
New York 66
San Diego 46
Milan 44
Positano 44
Pozzuoli 38
Brno 37
Des Moines 37
Düsseldorf 37
Vilnius 28
Los Angeles 27
Norwalk 27
Florence 25
Napoli 25
Nürnberg 25
Helsinki 24
Nanjing 24
Torre Annunziata 24
Hefei 21
Jinan 20
Kocaeli 19
Modena 19
Shenyang 19
Brussels 18
Redmond 18
Kraków 17
Kunming 17
Afragola 16
Bremen 16
London 16
Auburn Hills 15
Dallas 15
Munich 14
Nanchang 14
Zhengzhou 13
Hangzhou 12
Redwood City 12
Bologna 11
Perugia 11
Turin 11
Edinburgh 10
Mariglianella 10
Toronto 10
Bari 9
Cinisello Balsamo 9
Council Bluffs 9
Hong Kong 9
Padova 9
Washington 9
Cagliari 8
Ornago 8
Scafati 8
Trieste 8
Verona 8
Arzignano 7
Grottaglie 7
Guido 7
Ottawa 7
Paris 7
Salerno 7
San Mateo 7
Stockholm 7
São Paulo 7
Changsha 6
Giugliano in Campania 6
Guangzhou 6
Haikou 6
Indiana 6
Marcianise 6
Montesarchio 6
Quartu Sant'elena 6
San Pietro in Cariano 6
Terzigno 6
Vienna 6
Atlanta 5
Totale 9.638
Nome #
Banking crises and business cycle: evidence for Italy (1861-2016) 319
Tax Evasion, Investment Shocks, and the Consumption Puzzle: A DSGE Analysis with Financial Frictions 293
Business Cycles, Credit Cycles, and Bank Holdings of Sovereign Bonds: Historical Evidence for Italy 1861-2013 259
Lockdown Policies: A Macrodynamic Perspective for COVID-19 252
Business Cycles, Credit Cycles and Bank Holdings of Sovereign Bonds: Historical Evidence for Italy 1861-2013 247
Consumption and Income Smoothing 237
Indeterminacy, Underground Activities and Tax Evasion 224
State Aid Policies and Underground activities 224
Business cycles, credit cycles, and asymmetric effects of credit fluctuations: evidence from Italy for the period of 1861–2013 224
Equilibrium implications of fiscal policy with tax evasion: A long run perspective 215
Fiscal multipliers and unreported production: evidence for Italy 215
Indeterminacy, underground activities and tax evasion 210
Structural and Cyclical Patterns of Underground Labour Input in Italy from 1980 to 2004 207
Un Mondo in Conflitto. Teoria dei Giochi Applicata 206
Indeterminacy, Underground Activities and Tax Evasion 205
Fiscal policy under indeterminacy and tax evasion 204
Air quality in urban areas: Comparing objective and subjective indicators in European countries 199
Capital subsidies and underground economy 198
Market and underground activities in a two-sector dynamic equilibrium model. 196
Steady state Laffer curve with the underground economy 192
Accounting for child mortality in the pre-industrial European economy 191
Land use and decentralized government: A strategic approach for playing a short-sighted equilibrium 186
Interaction between Underground Employment and Unions in selected Italian industries 183
Do People Really Care About Global Warming? 183
Was Malthus right? The relationship between population and real wages in Italian history, 1320 to 1870 182
Air pollution and public finance: evidence for European countries 182
Sustainability in urban vs rural areas: a comparison of subjective and objective indicators across European countries 181
Accounting for child mortality in the Pre-Industrial European economy 176
Moonlighting Production, Tax Rates and Capital Subsidies 176
Discretionary policy, strategic complementarity and tax evasion: a strategic analysis of the Italian audit mechanism 175
Is the Italian public debt really unsustainable? An historical comparison (1861-2010) 172
Market Consumption and Hidden Consumption. A Test for Substitutability 172
Economia dell'Ambiente. Sostenibilità, politiche e aspetti strategici 171
Firm-oriented policies, tax cheating and perverse outcomes 171
The Sustainability of Fiscal Policy in Italy (1861-2012) 171
Analysis and simulation of a small econometric model of the Italian economy with rational expectations 170
Heterogeneity in general equilibrium: the battle of coalitions 165
Business cycle, unemployment benefits and productivity shocks 164
Investment Shocks, Tax Evasion and the Consumption Puzzle: A DSGE Analysis with Financial Frictions 164
Land Use and Decentralized Government: A Strategic Approach for Playing a Short-Sighted Equilibrium 161
Trade union membership and the free rider problem: the role of harassment activities 159
Wage setting, wage curve and Phíllips curve: the Italian evidence 156
Identification and dimension of the NAIRU 153
Optimal control of econometric models. Problems, developments and an application with a model of the Italian economy 151
Tax shocks, sunspots and tax evasion 151
Disinflation in the Italian economy in an optimal control setting 150
Cyclicality of real wages and adjustment costs 150
Steady Laffer curve with the underground economy 145
Does Tax Evasion Affect Economic Crime? 145
Using Theory for Measurement: an Analysis of the Underground Economy 144
null 139
A note on the control theory framework for policy analysis 138
Urbanization and agricultural productivity: why did the splendour of the Italian cities in the sixteenth century not lead to transition?” 138
Underground Reducing Policies when the Probability of Being Caught is Endogenous 131
Can we rely upon fiscal policy estimates in countries with unreported production of 15 per cent (or more) of GDP? 128
From Malthus’ Stagnation to Sustained Growth. Social, demographic and Economic factors. 128
George Stathakis and Gianni Viaggi, eds, Economic Development and Social Change 125
Different assumptions about fiscal and monetary authority behaviour in an optimal control framework. Experiments with a medium size nonlinear econometric model 120
Dimensione e dinamica dell’economia sommersa: un approfondimento del Currency Demand Approach 120
Chiarini B; Basile R; Marzano E Can we Rely upon Fiscal Policy Estimates in Countries with Unreported Production of 15 Per Cent (or more) of GDP? 119
I problemi del coordinamento 118
Urbanization and growth: why did the splendor of the Italian cities in the sixteenth century not lead to transition? 116
The Non-Market Sector in Europe and in the United States: Underground Activities and Home Production 115
Noncompliant behaviors in general equilibrium: A survey. 114
Il mercato del lavoro nei modelli stocastici di crescita: una rassegna di applicazioni per l'economia italiana 114
Unemployment, wage pressure and sectoral shift: permanent and temporary consequences of intersectoral shocks 114
Il Mercato del Lavoro nei Modelli Stocastici di Crescita: una Rassegna di Applicazioni per l'Economia Italiana 112
Tax rates and Tax evasion: an Empirical Analysis of the Structural Aspects and Long-Run Characteristics in Italy 112
Housing Environmental Risk in Urban Areas: Cross Country Comparison and Policy Implications 112
Instrument instability in large scale econometric models 110
La politica economica e l'ambiente: piccoli passi per grandi problemi 109
Is the Severity of the Penalty an Effective Deterrent? A Strategic Approach for the Crime of Tax Evasion 108
An interpretation of the Solow residual for the Italian economy 107
Evasione fiscale e sommerso economico in Italia: Fatti Stilizzati, differenze tra periodi, e puzzles 107
null 107
Lezioni di Politica Economica. Debito pubblico, aspettative razionali, fluttuazioni cicliche 105
Models with rational expectations: technical issues 105
A dynamic union model with pensioners membership 104
Tax evasion and financial accelerator: A corporate sector analysis for the US business cycle 103
null 102
The composition of union membership: the role of pensioners in the Italian case 102
Studies in Labour Markets and Industrial Relations 101
Macroeconomic policy in a coalition system 100
Il mercato del lavoro nei modelli macroeconomici. Una rassegna dell'evidenza econometrica nei modelli italiani 100
Modelli dinamici del sindacato: estensioni e critiche 99
Testing asymmetry in a cointegrated-VAR-based labor demand model:Italian evidence 98
Macroeconomia 97
Tax rates and Tax evasion: an Empirical Analysis of the Structural Aspects and Long-Run Characteristics in Italy 97
Tax Evasion and Economic Crime. Empirical Evidence for Italy 97
Un modello VECM per la domanda di lavoro 95
Pressione fiscale e evasione fiscale: un’analisi degli aspetti strutturali e delle caratteristiche di lungo periodo in Italia 91
E-DSGE Model with Environmentally Aware Consumers 90
Generalizing the functional form. Some results utilizing the Box-Cox technique with an econometric model of the Italian economy 87
Un Mondo in Conflitto. Teoria dei Giochi Applicata. Seconda Edizione 87
Teoria e Applicazioni del Controllo Ottimo. Simulazioni con un Modello Econometrico dell"Economia Italiana. 86
Il vincolo storico alla politica di sviluppo del Mezzogiorno 85
Natalità di impresa e usura: evidenza per le province italiane in una fase recessiva 81
Totale 14.997
Categoria #
all - tutte 57.041
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 57.041

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020606 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 201 91 168 146
2020/20212.090 173 85 162 125 223 82 195 50 87 253 67 588
2021/20221.230 111 106 19 337 69 95 143 102 94 84 46 24
2022/20231.947 236 118 121 225 165 344 47 231 256 36 127 41
2023/2024966 81 41 57 62 41 163 16 126 154 45 27 153
2024/20253.296 101 265 55 114 134 334 923 1.304 66 0 0 0
Totale 16.431