SARNO, Debora
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.367
EU - Europa 1.615
AS - Asia 821
AF - Africa 10
OC - Oceania 10
SA - Sud America 8
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 5.833
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.346
UA - Ucraina 599
VN - Vietnam 350
IT - Italia 288
SE - Svezia 250
CN - Cina 228
DE - Germania 188
SG - Singapore 140
RU - Federazione Russa 123
GB - Regno Unito 58
TR - Turchia 48
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 23
CA - Canada 21
FR - Francia 17
BE - Belgio 16
PH - Filippine 13
PT - Portogallo 10
FI - Finlandia 9
AU - Australia 7
ID - Indonesia 6
IE - Irlanda 5
NL - Olanda 5
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 4
IN - India 4
LT - Lituania 4
LV - Lettonia 4
PK - Pakistan 4
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
BJ - Benin 3
BR - Brasile 3
CO - Colombia 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
CH - Svizzera 2
ES - Italia 2
EU - Europa 2
IR - Iran 2
KE - Kenya 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
MA - Marocco 2
MY - Malesia 2
NO - Norvegia 2
PL - Polonia 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TW - Taiwan 2
ZA - Sudafrica 2
AT - Austria 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CL - Cile 1
CY - Cipro 1
GE - Georgia 1
GR - Grecia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
IS - Islanda 1
JP - Giappone 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
RO - Romania 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TJ - Tagikistan 1
ZM - Zambia 1
Totale 5.833
Città #
Fairfield 607
Dong Ket 350
Ashburn 251
Woodbridge 247
Wilmington 231
Nyköping 227
Seattle 223
Houston 214
Dearborn 208
Cambridge 200
Chandler 175
Jacksonville 172
Ann Arbor 107
Singapore 99
Boardman 96
Lawrence 64
Princeton 64
New York 59
Bremen 58
Beijing 52
Ogden 46
Kocaeli 44
Shanghai 41
Grafing 32
Moscow 32
Naples 26
Brno 23
Afragola 18
Hefei 17
Norwalk 17
Brussels 16
London 16
Jinan 15
Munich 15
Kunming 14
Toronto 14
Monmouth Junction 13
San Diego 13
Nanjing 11
Redwood City 10
Rome 10
Santa Clara 10
Los Angeles 9
Lessolo 8
Salerno 8
Shenyang 8
Angeles City 7
Cava de' Tirreni 7
Hebei 7
Helsinki 7
Pomigliano D'arco 7
Dallas 6
Ottawa 6
San Mateo 6
Somma Vesuviana 6
Taiyuan 6
Vimercate 6
Benevento 5
Dublin 5
Guangzhou 5
Kilburn 5
Nanchang 5
Turin 5
Zhengzhou 5
Eboli 4
Frankfurt am Main 4
Hangzhou 4
Mariglianella 4
Newark 4
Padova 4
Porto 4
Riga 4
Shaoxing 4
Wuhan 4
Angri 3
Auckland 3
Baku 3
Chicago 3
Colombo 3
Cotonou 3
Dubai 3
Elk Grove 3
Fisciano 3
Florence 3
Haikou 3
Manfredonia 3
Milan 3
Stockholm 3
Tangerang 3
Tashkent 3
Torre Annunziata 3
York 3
Acerra 2
Agropoli 2
Atlanta 2
Bari 2
Bayrakli 2
Bishkek 2
Bogotá 2
Bologna 2
Totale 4.406
Nome #
From B2B to A4A: An Integrated Framework for Viable Value Co-Creation 156
A boundary PDE feedback control approach for the stabilization of mortgage price dynamics 155
Service Science Management Engineering and Design (SSMED): a semiautomatic literature review 147
Complexity and Governance 142
Managing Healthcare Service Ecosystems: Abstracting a Sustainability-Based View from Hospitalization at Home (HaH) Practices 137
A novel two-stage stochastic programming model for uncertainty characterization in short-term optimal strategy for a distribution company 132
A Model for Vendor Selection and Dynamic Evaluation 131
A Model for Wind Turbines Placement Within a Distribution Network Acquisition Market 129
The role of loyalty programs in healthcare service ecosystems 123
Daily nurse requirements planning based on simulation of patient flows 121
A nonlinear optimal control approach to stabilization of a macroeconomic development model 120
Contributing to Sustainable Healthcare Systems with Case Theory 119
A nonlinear optimal control approach to stabilization of a macroeconomic development model 116
Meta-management for sustainability in territorial ecosystems: The case of Libera's social reuse of territory 114
Co-creation in action as the acid test of smart service systems viability 111
Hospital material management: information flow integration towards optimization 111
From mechanical to cognitive view: The changes of decision making in business environment 111
A novel method for evaluating the impact of residential demand response in a real time distribution energy market 109
Assessing the benefits of residential demand response in a real time distribution energy market 109
Evaluating the effectiveness of normal boundary intersection method for short-term environmental/economic hydrothermal self-scheduling 106
An overview of the contribution of systems thinking within management and marketing 106
La prospettiva degli eco-sistemi di servizio per l'interpretazione di relazioni e decisioni in agricoltura di precisione 103
The role of technology and institutions in tourism service ecosystems: findings from a case study 102
Evaluating festival attributes adopting S-D logic: the mediating role of visitor experience adn visitor satisfaction. 102
Proposal for a flexible discrete event simulation model for assessing the daily operation decisions in a Ro-Ro terminal 102
The Influence of Cognitive Dimensions on the Consumer-SME Relationship: A Sustainability-Oriented View 101
Exploring the trade-off between competing objectives for electricity energy retailers through a novel multi-objective framework 101
From patients' needs to hospital pharmacy management: an holistic approach to the process modelling 100
Evaluating the impact of sub-hourly unit commitment method on spinning reserve in presence of intermittent generators 98
Modelling Hospital Materials Management Processes 92
Service ecosystem dynamics: a conceptual framework to describe phase transitions 88
Pulling Drugs Along the Supply Chain: Centralization of Hospitals’ Inventory 87
Observing engagement in systems 87
A holistic view on identity in marketing: identity co-creation 87
Real and Apparent Changes of Organizational Processes in the Era of Big Data Analytics 85
Online Social Network Viability: Misinformation Management Based on Service and Systems Theories 84
Prototipo software per la programmazione giornaliera del personale infermieristico in una Stroke Unit 81
The role of Emergence in Service Systems 79
Emergence and Phase Transitions in Service Ecosystems 77
A simulation tool to plan daily nurse requirements 75
Stabilization of business cycles of finance agents using nonlinear optimal control 75
Cost management in car terminals 73
Analysis and modelling of materials management processes in healthcare 70
Il contributo dell'aSv alla service research 70
Grocery Retailing in the I4.0 era 68
A model for the estimation of the economic potential of a demand response system for the electric load management 66
A new consensus method for social networks viability 64
Co-creare valore per sopravvivere: l’impresa e il cambiamento negli ecosistemi di servizio 63
Gioco e valore per il consumatore 57
How can multichannel business strategy can improve sustainability value? A case study in banking. 55
Artificial Intelligence and Decision-Making: Human–Machine Interactions for Successful Value Co-creation 54
The value (co)creation as peak of social pyramid 54
Organizzazione e Operations Management nei sistemi ospedalieri 50
Managing value dimensions within an ecosystem framework: reflections and empirical observations in the tourism sector 49
From Businesses and Consumers to Actors relationships 48
Service-oriented circular economy per traguardare la sostenibilità 47
Integrating the internet of things and big data analytics into decision support models for healthcare management 46
Proposal of a conceptual framework to optimise drug management in healthcare systems 45
Pratiche di co-creazione per il benessere dell’ecosistema di servizio sanitario 43
Sustainable marketing transitions: insights from service-dominant logic 40
Tra diluvio di dati e complessità: collaborare per sopravvivere 40
Risk Identification map for a Fashion Retail Supply Chain 39
Emergence in marketing: an institutional and ecosystem framework 39
La co-creazione di valore per l’innovazione del servizio sanitario: il caso di una clinica nefrologica. 38
Service perspectives’ trends in marketing research: a bibliometric analysis 36
Exploring the Adoption of Service-Dominant Logic as an Integrative Framework for Assessing Energy Transitions 31
Brand meanings Institutionalization in Festival Service Ecosystems: the transformation of Giffoni brand 30
Managing service ecosystems dynamics for a better future 25
Innovative Solution Bundling–Unbundling: A Paradox in the Digital Era 21
A processual view on sustainability transitions in service ecosystems 20
The Role of Systems View for Assessing Energy Transitions 16
Delineating insights for the conceptualization of Society 5.0 in a service ecosystem perspective 13
Totale 5.949
Categoria #
all - tutte 29.657
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 29.657

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020753 0 0 0 0 0 0 265 109 182 51 129 17
2020/20211.250 89 32 99 84 125 36 153 22 48 130 61 371
2021/2022604 65 54 17 188 21 26 49 49 37 36 37 25
2022/2023785 125 75 73 39 112 114 14 86 83 34 17 13
2023/2024419 23 23 24 16 17 64 31 14 77 4 16 110
2024/2025573 100 101 16 90 38 212 16 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.949