Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 4.677
EU - Europa 4.282
AS - Asia 1.555
SA - Sud America 50
AF - Africa 22
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 20
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 10.607
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.668
RU - Federazione Russa 2.515
VN - Vietnam 1.094
SE - Svezia 556
UA - Ucraina 539
SG - Singapore 271
DE - Germania 224
GB - Regno Unito 159
IT - Italia 142
CN - Cina 111
IE - Irlanda 49
BR - Brasile 48
TR - Turchia 35
FI - Finlandia 25
FR - Francia 25
EU - Europa 20
PK - Pakistan 19
ZA - Sudafrica 17
BE - Belgio 11
NL - Olanda 9
CA - Canada 8
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 8
IL - Israele 6
IN - India 5
AZ - Azerbaigian 3
ES - Italia 3
HU - Ungheria 3
MA - Marocco 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
AT - Austria 2
BG - Bulgaria 2
CH - Svizzera 2
IQ - Iraq 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
PL - Polonia 2
VE - Venezuela 2
AM - Armenia 1
AU - Australia 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CG - Congo 1
EE - Estonia 1
HK - Hong Kong 1
HN - Honduras 1
KE - Kenya 1
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
MD - Moldavia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NP - Nepal 1
PT - Portogallo 1
Totale 10.607
Città #
Dong Ket 1.094
Fairfield 825
Nyköping 422
Wilmington 388
Woodbridge 378
Ashburn 362
Houston 344
Seattle 303
Cambridge 273
Chandler 262
Moscow 261
Boardman 211
Singapore 186
Lawrence 171
Princeton 171
Ann Arbor 167
Ogden 126
Bremen 122
Shanghai 97
San Diego 83
Dublin 45
London 32
Kocaeli 28
Grafing 27
Munich 24
Santa Clara 24
New York 23
San Mateo 22
Helsinki 21
Naples 21
Johannesburg 17
Norwalk 12
Brussels 11
Kilburn 10
Hounslow 9
Acton 8
Groningen 8
Yubileyny 8
Los Angeles 7
Hassan Abdal 6
Poggiomarino 6
Gragnano 5
Messina 5
Olomouc 5
Pune 5
Belo Horizonte 4
Bologna 4
New Bedfont 4
Olney 4
Salerno 4
San Cesareo 4
Toronto 4
Baku 3
Bresso 3
Brno 3
Cesa 3
Chiswick 3
Curitiba 3
Espoo 3
Estella 3
Florence 3
Győr 3
Islamabad 3
Rome 3
Saluzzo 3
Wandsworth 3
Abu Dhabi 2
Andover 2
Ankara 2
Atlanta 2
Bristol 2
Campinas 2
Cava de' Tirreni 2
Chak Forty-two SP 2
Collegno 2
Criciúma 2
Dallas 2
Des Moines 2
Elâzığ 2
Flensburg 2
Giugliano in Campania 2
Iesi 2
Jining 2
Lauenburg 2
Marigliano 2
Mercato San Severino 2
Milan 2
Perugia 2
Redmond 2
Sacramento 2
Santa Maria a Vico 2
Sofia 2
São Paulo 2
Vancouver 2
Zurich 2
Almaty 1
Andrelândia 1
Apiaí 1
Arzachena 1
Baghdad 1
Totale 6.768
Nome #
Rule-Based Optimization of Intermittent ICE Scheduling on a Hybrid Solar Vehicle 154
A Hierarchical System of Models for the Optimal Design of Control Strategies in Spark Ignition Automotive Engines 151
Nonlinear Recurrent Neural Networks for Air Fuel Ratio Control in SI Engines 134
Enhanced combustion model with fuel-wall impingement oriented to injection pattern tuning in automotive Diesel engines 133
A Comprehensive Powertrain Model to Evaluate the Benefits of Electric Turbo Compound (ETC) in Reducing CO2 Emissions from Small Diesel Passenger Cars 133
Recurrent Neural Networks for AFR Estimation and Control in Spark Ignition Automotive Engines 127
A Computer Code for S.I. Engine Control and Powertrain Simulation 124
Development of an EKF Observer for an automotive SCR system 121
Enhancement of Control Oriented Engine Models Using Neural Network 117
Modeling and Optimization of Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery in Automotive Engines 110
Experimental Validation of a Neural Network Based A/F Virtual Sensor for SI Engine Control 109
A Model-based Scenario Analysis for Assessing the Benefits of Fuel Cell Vehicle Hybridization 108
Control Oriented Modeling of SCR Systems for Automotive Application 106
Development of a Cruise Controller Based on Current Road Load Information with Integrated Control of Variable Velocity Set-Point and Gear Shifting 105
A Model for the Dynamic Simulation of Hybrid Vehicles with Pem Fuel Cell 103
KIT FOR TRANSFORMING A CONVENTIONAL MOTOR VEHICLE INTO A SOLAR HYBRID VEHICLE, AND RELEVANT MOTORVEHICLE OBTAINED BY THE KIT-Autoveicolo elettrico ibrido solare, metodo di controllo di ruote motorizzate elettriche in tale autoveicolo e kit per trasformare un autoveicolo convenzionale in un veicolo ibrido solare 102
A Model for a Hybrid Solar Vehicle Prototype 99
Modeling Analysis of Waste Heat Recovery via Thermo Electric Generators for Fuel Economy Improvement and CO2 Reduction in Small Diesel Engines 98
Experimental characterization of ultrafine particle emissions from a light-duty diesel engine equipped with a standard DPF 97
Look-ahead controls of heavy duty trucks on open roads — six benchmark solutions 96
Development and Identification of a Hierarchical System of Models for Rapid Prototyping of SI Engines 96
A Model for Thermo-Economic Analysis and Optimization of Steam Power Plants for Power and Cogeneration 92
Models for the Prediction of Performance and Emissions in a Spark Ignition Engine - A Sequentially Structured Approach 92
A Multilevel Approach to the Energy Management of an Automotive Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell System 88
Optimal Design of a Hybrid Electric Car with Solar Cells 87
Dual stage multilevel control for heavy duty vehicles under different traffic conditions 85
Design of a model-based diagnostic algorithm for diesel particulate filter fault detection and isolation 85
Energy Management for a Hybrid Solar Vehicle with Series Structure 81
A Parametric Study of the Design Variables for a Hybrid Electric Car with Solar Cells 81
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Lean SI Engine to Be Operated as Range Extender for Hybrid Powertrains 81
A model based methodology for knock prediction in SI engines 80
A Comprehensive Hybrid Vehicle Model for Energetic Analyses on Different Powertrain Architectures 80
A multi-layer control hierarchy for heavy duty vehicles with off-line dual stage dynamic programming optimization 79
Development and identification of a control oriented model of NOx Storage Catalyst for automotive application 79
Development and experimental validation of a control oriented model of a catalytic DPF 78
Estimation of the Engine Thermal State by in-Cylinder Pressure Measurement in Automotive Diesel Engines 77
Development of Recurrent Neural Networks for Virtual Sensing of NOx Emissions in Internal Combustion Engines 77
Development of an integrated control strategy for engine and SCR system based on effective EGR rate 77
A Methodology to Enhance Design and On-Board Application of Neural Network Models for Virtual Sensing of NOx Emissions in Automotive Diesel Engine 76
Study of the energetic needs for the on-board production of Oxy-Hydrogen as fuel additive in internal combustion engines 76
Experimental investigation of the effects of AFR spark advance and EGR on Nanoparticle Emissions in a PFI SI Engine 75
A Differential Flatness Theory Approach to Embedded Adaptive Control of Turbocharged Diesel Engines 73
A Model of a Hybrid Power Plant With Wind Turbines and Compressed Air Energy Storage 73
Experimental test on the feasibility of passive regeneration in a catalytic DPF at the exhaust of a light-duty diesel engine 73
A Model for the Dynamic Simulation of Hybrid Vehicles with Pem Fuel Cell 72
Development and Validation of a Model for Mechanical Efficiency in a Spark Ignition Engine 71
Integration of Wind Turbines with Compressed Air Energy Storage 71
O.D.E.C.S. - A Computer Code for the Optimal Design of S.I. Engine Control Strategies 71
A Model for Vehicle Transient Simulations with PID and Fuzzy Logic Drive Controllers 69
Air-Fuel Ratio and Trapped Mass Estimation in Diesel Engines Using In-Cylinder Pressure 69
A Model for the Optimal Design of a Hybrid Solar Vehicle 69
Enhancing Polymeric Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Control by Means of the Perturb and Observe Technique 68
Experimental Testing of a Low Temperature Regenerating Catalytic DPF at the Exhaust of a Light-Duty Diesel Engine 68
Modeling and Analysis of Transient Behavior of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell Hybrid Vehicles 67
Identification of Spark Ignition Engine Models Based on Neural Network Via Experimental Design Techniques 67
Experimental Characterization of Nanoparticles Emissions in a Port Fuel Injection Spark Ignition Engine 66
Enhancing Cruise Controllers through Finite-Horizon Driving Mission Optimization for Passenger Vehicles 66
A nonlinear Kalman filtering approach to embedded control of turbocharged diesel engines 65
Development and Identification of Phenomenological Models for Combustion and Emissions of Common-Rail Multi-Jet Diesel Engines 65
Development and Real-Time Implementation of Recurrent Neural Networks for AFR Prediction and Control 64
Analysis of a Rule-Based Control Strategy for On-Board Energy Management of Hybrid Solar Vehicles 64
A Hierarchical System of Models for the Optimal Design of Control Strategies in Spark Ignition Automotive Engines 64
Enhancement of Control Oriented Engine Models Using Neural Network 64
A Neural Network Air-Fuel Ratio Estimator for Control and Diagnostics in Spark-Ignited Engines 62
Tuning of the Engine Control Variables of an Automotive Turbocharged Diesel Engine via Model Based Optimization 62
Information Based Selection of Neural Network Training Data for S.I. Engine Mapping 61
Combustion Noise and Pollutants Prediction for Injection Pattern and EGR Tuning in an Automotive Common-Rail Diesel Engine 61
Analysis of the impact of Diesel-Ethanol fuel blends on CI engine performance and emissions via multi-zone combustion modelling 61
Experimental and numerical investigation of the impact of the pure hydrogen fueling on fuel consumption and NOx emissions in a small DI SI engine 60
Air-fuel Ratio Estimation Along Diesel Engine Transient Operation Using In-cylinder Pressure 60
Combustion Noise and Pollutants Prediction for Injection Pattern and Exhaust Gas Recirculation Tuning in an Automotive Common-Rail Diesel Engine 60
An Integrated System of Models for Performance and Emissions in Si Engines: Development and Identification 59
Flatness-based embedded adaptive fuzzy control of turbocharged diesel engines 59
Effects of Control Parameters on Performance and Emissions of HSDI Diesel Engines: Investigation Via Two Zone Modelling 58
Converting Conventional Cars in Mild Hybrid Solar Vehicles 58
Recurrent Neural Networks for AFR Estimation and Control in Spark Ignition Automotive Engines 58
Estimation of Air-Fuel Ratio and Cylinder Wall Temperature from Pressure Cycle in s.i. Automotive Engines 58
Experimental Validation of a Recurrent Neural Network for Air-Fuel Ratio Dynamic Simulation in S.I. I.C. Engines 58
Development and Experimental Validation of a Control Oriented Model of SCR for Automotive Application 57
Transient Analysis of PEM Fuel Cell for Hybrid Vehicle Application 57
Investigation of the energy requirements for the on-board generation of oxy-hydrogen on vehicles 56
A Non Linear Observer for Fuel Film Dynamics into the Intake Manifold of a Spark Ignition Engine 56
Development of a plug-in fuel cell electric scooter with thermally integrated storage system based on hydrogen in metal hydrides and battery pack 55
Enhanced Multi-Zone Model for Medium Pressure Injection Spray and Fuel-Wall Impingement in Light-Duty Diesel Engines 55
Control Parameters Optimization in Automotive Diesel Engines via Two Zone Modelling 55
Optimization of Control Parameters for a Heavy-Duty CNG Engine via Co-Simulation Analysis 55
Neural network models for virtual sensing of NOx emissions in automotive diesel engines with least square-based adaptation 54
Fault Tree Analysis Aimed to Design and Implement On-Field Fault Detection and Isolation Schemes for SOFC Systems 54
Enhancement of Control Oriented Engine Models Using Neural Network 54
Toward the Development of a Through-The-Road Solar Hybridized Vehicle 54
Energy and Economic Evaluation of a Hybrid Power Plant With Wind Turbines and Compressed Air Energy Storage 54
Application of Willans Line Method for Internal Combustion Engines Scalability towards the Design and Optimization of Eco-Innovation Solutions 53
Effects of Engine Thermal Transients on the Energy Management of Series Hybrid Solar Vehicles 53
Functional testing of measurement-based control systems: An application to automotive 53
Real-Time Estimation of Engine Nox Emissions Via Recurrent Neural Networks 53
Estimation of in-cylinder mass and AFR by cylinder pressure measurement in automotive Diesel engines 53
Analysis of a rule-based control strategy for on-board energy management of series hybrid vehicles 51
Totale 7.687
Categoria #
all - tutte 70.148
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 70.148

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2020/20213.875 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.638 299 204 342 193 1.199
2021/20221.652 323 84 51 406 89 92 138 175 102 95 71 26
2022/20231.422 370 188 121 50 168 148 59 134 78 64 14 28
2023/2024625 21 15 26 34 25 57 23 10 186 12 7 209
2024/20253.223 10 225 14 154 27 349 1.216 1.228 0 0 0 0
Totale 10.797