CIOFFI, Raffaele
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 11.445
EU - Europa 7.573
AS - Asia 1.951
SA - Sud America 252
AF - Africa 40
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 28
OC - Oceania 8
Totale 21.297
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 11.387
RU - Federazione Russa 3.094
UA - Ucraina 1.246
IT - Italia 799
VN - Vietnam 644
SE - Svezia 636
DE - Germania 624
CN - Cina 552
GB - Regno Unito 533
SG - Singapore 532
FR - Francia 285
BR - Brasile 220
FI - Finlandia 114
IN - India 68
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 53
NL - Olanda 48
CA - Canada 42
BE - Belgio 38
EU - Europa 28
HK - Hong Kong 23
IE - Irlanda 23
PL - Polonia 18
TR - Turchia 18
EG - Egitto 17
AT - Austria 14
IR - Iran 13
KR - Corea 10
PK - Pakistan 10
MX - Messico 9
BD - Bangladesh 8
AR - Argentina 7
AU - Australia 7
ID - Indonesia 7
PT - Portogallo 7
TW - Taiwan 7
ZA - Sudafrica 7
EC - Ecuador 6
ES - Italia 6
IQ - Iraq 6
LT - Lituania 6
PH - Filippine 6
RO - Romania 6
EE - Estonia 5
MA - Marocco 5
TH - Thailandia 5
AZ - Azerbaigian 4
BG - Bulgaria 4
CL - Cile 4
DZ - Algeria 4
JP - Giappone 4
KG - Kirghizistan 4
UZ - Uzbekistan 4
VE - Venezuela 4
JO - Giordania 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
MN - Mongolia 3
MY - Malesia 3
PE - Perù 3
PY - Paraguay 3
SA - Arabia Saudita 3
AL - Albania 2
CO - Colombia 2
CY - Cipro 2
IL - Israele 2
JM - Giamaica 2
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 2
LV - Lettonia 2
ME - Montenegro 2
NO - Norvegia 2
OM - Oman 2
UY - Uruguay 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BW - Botswana 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
CG - Congo 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CM - Camerun 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
DK - Danimarca 1
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 1
GA - Gabon 1
GL - Groenlandia 1
GR - Grecia 1
HN - Honduras 1
LB - Libano 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
RS - Serbia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TN - Tunisia 1
ZM - Zambia 1
Totale 21.297
Città #
Fairfield 1.740
Woodbridge 1.287
Houston 966
Ann Arbor 964
Chandler 849
Ashburn 672
Dong Ket 643
Wilmington 643
Seattle 640
Cambridge 569
Nyköping 402
Dearborn 391
Moscow 385
Singapore 348
Jacksonville 331
Boardman 294
Southend 277
Beijing 142
Princeton 140
Lawrence 130
Shanghai 100
Ogden 96
Naples 91
Bremen 90
San Diego 80
New York 60
Council Bluffs 57
Des Moines 52
London 47
Munich 40
Norwalk 40
Yubileyny 37
Brno 36
Helsinki 36
Brussels 35
Los Angeles 33
Groningen 28
Nanjing 28
Grafing 27
Jinan 27
Shenyang 27
Milan 24
Mcallen 22
Montréal 21
Napoli 21
San Mateo 21
São Paulo 21
Dublin 20
Hong Kong 19
Patna 18
Hefei 17
Düsseldorf 16
Nanchang 16
Redwood City 16
Rome 16
Grumo Nevano 15
Olomouc 15
Guangzhou 13
Auburn Hills 12
Dallas 12
Halle 12
Atlanta 11
Kunming 11
Padova 11
Santa Clara 11
Kraków 10
Tappahannock 10
Casoria 9
Ottawa 9
Salerno 9
Assago 8
Bari 8
Hangzhou 8
Indiana 8
New Delhi 8
Taiyuan 8
Zhengzhou 8
Agrate 7
Amsterdam 7
Belo Horizonte 7
Chongqing 7
Hebei 7
Tianjin 7
Trapani 7
Villaspeciosa 7
Cagliari 6
Cairo 6
Duque De Caxias 6
Islington 6
Kilburn 6
Kolkata 6
Matawan 6
Nürnberg 6
Palermo 6
Redmond 6
Stockholm 6
Taizhou 6
Toronto 6
Vienna 6
Avellino 5
Totale 13.519
Nome #
Alkali activated waste fly ash as sustainable composite: Influence of a curing and pozzolanic admixtures on the early-age physico-mechanical properties and residual strength after exposure at elevated temperature 297
An environmental evaluation: A comparison between geopolymer and OPC concrete paving blocks manufacturing process in italy 264
Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors for Real Time Monitoring of Early Age Curing and Shrinkage of Different Metakaolin-Based Inorganic Binders 254
Materiali ibridi geopolimero-silicone per applicazioni ad alte temperature: metodo di preparazione e materiali così ottenuti 246
Characterization of geopolymer materials containing MSWI fly ash and coal fly ash 246
Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transform Spectroscopy for the Determination of Asbestos Species in Bulk Building Materials 235
Synergistic recycling of calcined clayey sediments and water potabilization sludge as geopolymer precursors: Upscaling from binders to precast paving cement-free bricks 232
Life cycle assessment of recycled concretes: A case study in southern Italy 229
Hybrid Geopolymeric Foams for the Removal of Metallic Ions from Aqueous Waste Solutions 224
Mechanical and thermal properties of lightweight geopolymer composites 221
Eco-sustainable Geopolymer concrete blocks production process 220
Artificial intelligence and machine learning applications in smart production: Progress, trends, and directions 219
TiO2-based photocatalytic geopolymers for nitric oxide degradation 218
Innovative fly ash geopolymer-epoxy composites: Preparation, microstructure and mechanical properties 217
Recycling of Pre-Washed Municipal Solid Waste Incinerator Fly Ash in the Manufacturing of Low Temperature Setting Geopolymer Materials 216
Fabrication and characterization of graphite-cement composites for microbial fuel cells applications 214
Shielding Effectiveness Tests of Low-Cost Civil Engineering Materials in a Reverberating Chamber 212
Fiber Bragg grating sensors as a tool to evaluate the influence of filler on shrinkage of geopolymer matrices 210
Fiber Bragg Grating sensors: A reliable method for the measurement of early age properties of traditional and innovative cements 209
Coal Combustion Wastes Reuse in Low Energy Artificial Aggregates Manufacturing 208
Novel hybrid organic-geopolymer materials 204
Recycled plastic aggregate in mortars composition: Effect on physical and mechanical properties 204
Analisi ambientale ed economica del processo di produzione di miscele di calcestruzzo 204
Preparation, structure and properties of hybrid materials based on geopolymers and polysiloxanes 202
A system approach in energy evaluation of different renewable energies sources integration in ammonia production plants 202
Binders alternative to Portland cement and waste management for sustainable construction—part 1 198
Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Epoxy Geopolymer Hybrid Composites 196
Application-Oriented Chemical Optimization of a Metakaolin Based Geopolymer 194
Finite element method modeling of sensible heat thermal energy storage with innovative concretes and comparative analysis with literature benchmarks 192
Characterization of early age curing and shrinkage of metakaolin-based inorganic binders with different rheological behavior by Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors 192
Effect of the mineralizer solution in the hydrothermal synthesis of gadolinium-doped (10% mol Gd) ceria nanopowders 190
Chromium-based MIL-101 metal organic framework as a fully regenerable D4 adsorbent for biogas purification 190
Mechanical properties and durability of mortar containing fine fraction of demolition wastes produced by selective demolition in South Italy 186
Binders alternative to Portland cement and waste management for sustainable construction – Part 2 184
Synthesis and characterizations of melamine-based epoxy resins 184
Recycling of non-metallic automotive shredder residues and coal fly-ash in cold-bonded aggregates for sustainable concrete 182
Use of reservoir clay sediments as raw materials for geopolymer binders 181
Electrical and microstructural characterization of ceramic gadolinium-doped ceria electrolytes for ITSOFCs by sol-gel route 181
Recycled polyolefins waste as aggregates for lightweight concrete 181
Geopolymerization Ability of Natural and Secondary Raw Materials by Solubility Test in Alkaline Media 181
Potential application of coal–fuel oil ash for the manufacture of building materials 179
Use of cement kiln dust, blast furnace slag and marble sludge in the manufacture of sustainable artificial aggregates by means of cold bonding pelletization 179
Measurement of temperature and early age shrinkage of alkali activated metakaolin using fiber Bragg grating sensors 179
Epoxy/glass fibres composites for civil applications: Comparison between thermal and microwave crosslinking routes 179
Lightweight geopolymer-based hybrid materials 178
Computational evaluation of different construction materials performance in thermal energy storage systems 177
Stabilization of chloro-organics using organophilic bentonite in a cement-blast furnace slag matrix 174
Low temperature alkaline activation of weathered fly ash: Influence of mineral admixtures on early age performance 173
Manufacture of artificial aggregate using MSWI bottom ash 172
Adsorption of the organic fraction of a tannery sludge by means of organophilic bentonite 170
Coal fly ash as raw material for the manufacture of geopolymer-based products 170
Recycling of Clay Sediments for Geopolymer Binder Production. A New Perspective for Reservoir Management in the Framework of Italian Legislation: The Occhito Reservoir Case Study 169
Adsorption of chlorophenol, chloroaniline and methylene blue on fuel oil fly ash 169
Hybrid geopolymers from fly ash and polysiloxanes 169
Clay sediment geopolymerization by means of alkali metal aluminate activation 167
Geopolymer-based hybrid foams: Lightweight materials from a sustainable production process 167
Mechanical Performances of Weathered Coal Fly Ash Based Geopolymer Bricks 167
Optimization of geopolymer synthesis by calcination and polycondensation of a kaolinitic residue 165
Use of geopolymers for composite external reinforcement of RC members 163
Gadolinium-doped ceria nanopowders synthesized by urea-based homogeneous co-precipitation (UBHP) 163
Reuse of mining waste as aggregates in fly ash-based geopolymers 163
Thermally treated clay sediments as geopolymer source material 162
A Case Study for the Deactivation and Regeneration of a V2O5-WO3/TiO2 Catalyst in a Tail-End SCR Unit of a Municipal Waste Incineration Plant 162
Sustainable management of water potabilization sludge by means of geopolymers production 161
TG, FT-IR and NMR characterization of n-C16H34 contaminated alumina and silica after mechanochemical treatment 161
Recycling of MSWI fly ash by means of cementitious double step cold bonding pelletization: Technological assessment for the production of lightweight artificial aggregates 159
Applicazione integrata Life Cycle Thinking per la valutazione del sistema di produzione di manufatti innovativi per l'edilizia residenziale 159
Amino-functionalized, chromium-based metal organic framework as a potential high performance adsorbent for hydrogen chloride 159
Effect of Mechanochemical Processing on Adsorptive Properties of Blast Furnace Slag 158
A comparative study of microstructure and ionic conduction properties of gdc solid electrolytes prepared with different synthesis routes 156
Cement stabilization of tannery sludge using quaternary ammonium salt exchanged bentonite as pre-solidification adsorbent 153
Restoration mortars made with by using rubble from building demolition 153
Heavy metal stabilization by means of innovative alumino-silicate matrix 153
Simultaneous adsorption of chlorophenol and heavy metal ions on organophilic bentonite 152
Soluble salt removal from MSWI fly ash and its stabilization for safer disposal and recovery as road basement material 152
Comparison between Two FT-IR Spectroscopy Analytical Procedures for Micrograms Determination of Asbestos Species in Bulk Materials 149
Geopolymeric concrete based on industrial wastes 149
Comparative analysis on monolithic Denox catalysts 142
Treatment and recycling of asbestos-cement containing waste 141
Use of Reservoir Clay Sediments as Raw Materials for Geopolymer Binders 138
Preparation and Characterization of New Geopolymer-Epoxy Resin Hybrid Mortars 137
A Mechanochemical Approach to Porous Silicon Nanoparticles Fabrication 137
Applicazioni strutturali 130
Calcestruzzi geopolimerici alleggeriti contenenti scarti della lavorazione del polistirene 129
A simple and effective predictor to design novel fluorite-structured High Entropy Oxides (HEOs) 127
Alternative materials for ITSOFC: Implementation of gadoliniadoped ceria solid electrolytes in a 3D CFD-FEM model for numerical evaluation of performance 124
Reologia dei leganti geopolimerici:ruolo della soluzione alcalina attivante 124
Fourth Industrial Revolution: Current Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities 123
Digital manufacturing challenges through open innovation perspective 122
Analysis of environmental impacts of Geopolymers: The future of construction materials. 121
Use of a Metal Organic Framework for the Adsorptive Removal of Gaseous HCl: A New Approach for a Challenging Task 120
Frontiers and recent developments in nanomaterials for fuel cell applications: An overview of performances and perspectives 119
Machine learning techniques applied to industrial engineering: A multi criteria approach 118
Compositi geopolimero-resina fibrorinforzati per strutture in muratura: prove meccaniche di aderenza 117
Fibre-reinforced geopolymer concretes for sensible heat thermal energy storage: Simulations and environmental impact 116
Sol-gel synthesis of gadolinium doped Ceria (Gd-CeO2) for intermediate temperature SOFC electrolyte 116
Totale 17.658
Categoria #
all - tutte 82.242
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 82.242

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020761 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 386 98 239 38
2020/20213.129 234 74 318 138 400 98 304 110 138 319 169 827
2021/20221.657 134 246 61 360 116 65 191 145 117 86 110 26
2022/20232.576 315 176 163 299 276 452 87 245 331 71 108 53
2023/2024959 103 70 87 58 47 94 33 30 163 40 31 203
2024/20254.781 59 387 40 251 137 593 1.383 1.857 74 0 0 0
Totale 21.596