INNO, Laura
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.297
EU - Europa 2.792
AS - Asia 610
SA - Sud America 70
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 5
AF - Africa 3
OC - Oceania 1
Totale 6.778
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.284
RU - Federazione Russa 1.648
UA - Ucraina 403
IT - Italia 247
SG - Singapore 238
SE - Svezia 233
VN - Vietnam 176
CN - Cina 157
DE - Germania 119
BR - Brasile 65
GB - Regno Unito 46
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 19
BE - Belgio 17
FI - Finlandia 12
HK - Hong Kong 11
CA - Canada 10
NL - Olanda 10
IE - Irlanda 8
AT - Austria 7
EU - Europa 5
IN - India 5
TR - Turchia 5
ES - Italia 4
FR - Francia 4
IL - Israele 4
IS - Islanda 4
BD - Bangladesh 3
LT - Lituania 3
AZ - Azerbaigian 2
CH - Svizzera 2
GR - Grecia 2
IQ - Iraq 2
MA - Marocco 2
MX - Messico 2
OM - Oman 2
PL - Polonia 2
VE - Venezuela 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AM - Armenia 1
AR - Argentina 1
AU - Australia 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
EC - Ecuador 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LV - Lettonia 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PY - Paraguay 1
SI - Slovenia 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 6.778
Città #
Fairfield 578
Woodbridge 302
Seattle 254
Ashburn 249
Moscow 228
Houston 208
Nyköping 201
Wilmington 200
Cambridge 196
Chandler 182
Dong Ket 176
Singapore 141
Dearborn 134
Ann Arbor 122
Boardman 102
Jacksonville 74
Princeton 66
New York 62
Grafing 57
Lawrence 54
Ogden 49
Naples 44
Rome 43
Shanghai 41
Beijing 35
Redmond 31
Munich 26
San Diego 26
Milan 22
London 21
Des Moines 15
Norwalk 14
Santa Clara 13
Brussels 12
Los Angeles 12
Brno 11
Jinan 9
Dublin 8
Olomouc 8
Torre Annunziata 8
Helsinki 7
Hong Kong 7
Kilburn 6
Nanjing 6
Nuremberg 6
Salerno 6
Selargius 6
Shenyang 6
Guangzhou 5
Halle 5
Lappeenranta 5
Leuven 5
Montreal 5
Taiyuan 5
Caserta 4
Dallas 4
Hefei 4
Kocaeli 4
Menlo Park 4
Montemarciano 4
New Bedfont 4
Reykjavik 4
Riese Pio X 4
São Paulo 4
Yubileyny 4
Acton 3
Afragola 3
Changsha 3
Hebei 3
Madrid 3
Neutraubling 3
Ottawa 3
Platania 3
Redwood City 3
Rio de Janeiro 3
Andover 2
Baku 2
Bangalore 2
Boscoreale 2
Bremblens 2
Bremen 2
Canoas 2
Fuzhou 2
Hangzhou 2
Henderson 2
Hounslow 2
Kunming 2
Muscat 2
Piscataway 2
Quarto 2
Sarno 2
Scafati 2
São Luís 2
Thessaloniki 2
Trieste 2
Vienna 2
Warsaw 2
Alamdanga 1
Alcalá de Henares 1
Aparecida de Goiânia 1
Totale 4.235
Nome #
Chemical Compositions of Field and Globular Cluster RR Lyrae Stars. II. ω Centauri 221
67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's dust activity from pre-to post-perihelion as detected by Rosetta/GIADA 191
A lack of classical Cepheids in the inner part of the Galactic disc 167
Cepheids as Swiss army knives for Milky Way archaeology 156
Zero-pressure balloons trajectory prediction: Duster flight simulations 156
Detailed chemical composition of classical cepheids in the LMC cluster NGC 1866 and in the field of the SMC 154
A New Orbiting Deployable System for Small Satellite Observations for Ecology and Earth Observation 154
Classical Cepheids, what else? 152
Neutron-capture elements across the Galactic thin disk using Cepheids 148
Stellar populations in the galactic center 147
The Panchromatic View of the Magellanic Clouds from Classical Cepheids. I. Distance, Reddening, and Geometry of the Large Magellanic Cloud Disk 140
A new and homogeneous metallicity scale for Galactic classical Cepheids I. Physical parameters 136
New NIR light-curve templates for classical Cepheids 136
Deep into the core of dense star clusters: an astrometric and photometric test case for ELT 136
Kinematics of classical Cepheids in the Nuclear Stellar Disk 135
The classical cepheid distance scale in the NIR bands 130
Young and Intermediate-Age Distance Indicators 130
Possible Large Systematic Errors of Gaia DR2 Parallaxes for Very Bright Stars 129
Near-infrared spectroscopy of Cepheids in the Galactic nuclear disk 128
New near-infrared JHK s light-curve templates for RR Lyrae variables 126
Milky Way metallicity gradient from Gaia DR2 F/1O double-mode Cepheids 122
On the fine structure of the Cepheid metallicity gradient in the Galactic thin disk 120
A GPU Algorithm for Outliers Detection in TESS Light Curves 120
Impact of Distance Determinations on Galactic Structure. I. Young and Intermediate-Age Tracers 118
First metallicity determination from near-infrared spectra for five obscured Cepheids discovered in the inner disc 116
New Classical Cepheids in the Inner Part of the Northern Galactic Disk, and Their Kinematics 116
COVID-19 lockdown effects on gender inequality 106
New variable stars towards the Galactic Bulge. I. The bright regime★† 105
Dust Impact Sensors for small spacecrafts 103
On the metallicity distribution of classical Cepheids in the Galactic inner disk 102
The chemical composition of Galactic beat Cepheids 102
Classical Cepheids and RR Lyrae stars: similar, but not too much 98
On the Distance of the Magellanic Clouds Using Cepheid NIR and Optical-NIR Period-Wesenheit Relations 93
On the Chemical Abundances of Miras in Clusters: V1 in the Metal-rich Globular NGC 5927 92
Nature of a shell of young stars in the outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud 90
On the Metamorphosis of the Bailey Diagram for RR Lyrae Stars 89
Chemical Composition of Cepheids in the Milky Way and in the Magellanic Clouds 86
On the RR Lyrae Stars in Globulars. V. the Complete Near-infrared (JHK s) Census of ω Centauri RR Lyrae Variables 84
Exploiting Kepler’s Heritage: A Transfer Learning Approach for Identifying Exoplanets’ Transits in TESS Data 84
The Recent Star Formation History of the Magellanic Clouds Traced by Classical Cepheids 82
CHAPTER 8: Comets, Do They Have a Role in Prebiotic Photochemistry? 81
Optical tweezers in a dusty universe: Modeling optical forces for space tweezers applications 72
DISC - the dust impact sensor and counter on-board Comet Interceptor: Characterization of the dust coma of a dynamically new comet 71
Dust Impact Sensors for small spacecrafts for deep space missions 68
Comets beyond 4 au: How pristine are Oort nuclei? 67
Identifying Exoplanets in TESS Data by Deep Learning 66
Analysis of dust shield and detection system response to hypervelocity impacts for Comet Interceptor Dust Impact Sensor and Counter 65
TESS discovery of a super-Earth and two sub-Neptunes orbiting the bright, nearby, Sun-like star HD 22946 65
Galactic abundance gradients from Cepheids. α and heavy elements in the outer disk 62
DISC, the Dust Impact Sensor and Counter, on Board Comet Interceptor ESA Space Mission, for In Situ Dust Environment Characterization of a Dynamically New Comet 60
The Transition between the Inner Disc and the Innermost Galactic Regions 59
The Comet Interceptor Mission 58
A dedicated simulation chain for Hypervelocity Impacts effects on DISC sensor 58
Line-depth Ratios in H-band Spectra to Determine Effective Temperatures of G- and K-type Giants and Supergiants 57
The Mass of the Cepheid V350 Sgr 56
DISC- Modeling and Simulation of HVI effects with AUTODYN platform 55
On the α-element gradients of the Galactic thin disk using Cepheids 54
The Gaia-ASAS-SN classical cepheid sample. I. Sample selection 54
On the use of field RR lyrae as galactic probes. II. A new Δs calibration to estimate their metallicity 53
Dust Impact Sensor and Counter (DISC) for Comet Exploration: Laser Simulations of Hypervelocity Impacts 53
DISC - the Dust Impact Sensor and Counter : dust in situ instrument for Comet Interceptor ESA mission 50
On the Use of Field RR Lyrae as Galactic Probes. V. Optical and Radial Velocity Curve Templates 50
The Gaia -ESO survey: Mixing processes in low-mass stars traced by lithium abundance in cluster and field stars 50
Type II Cepheids in the Milky Way disc. Chemical composition of two new W Virginis stars: DD Vel and HQ Car 49
On the relative distance of Magellanic Clouds using Cepheid NlR and Optical-NIR PW relations 47
Promoting equality throug ethical AI and DEI Principles: A case study of LSST 46
Final Targeting Strategy for the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment 2 North Survey 43
A systematic validation of hot Neptunes in TESS data 40
Efficiency of the oxygenic photosynthesis on Earth-like planets in the habitable zone 38
null 38
The TESS Triple-9 Catalog II: a new set of 999 uniformly vetted exoplanet candidates 36
Performance assessment of an innovative light and compact dust shield for DISC onboard Comet Interceptor/ESA space probes 33
PLATO on the shoulders of TESS: analysing mono-transit planet candidates in TESS data as a prior knowledge for PLATO observations 33
How much earlier would LSST have discovered currently known long-period comets? 30
Tuning the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Observing Strategy for Solar System Science 24
Oxygen, sulfur, and iron radial abundance gradients of classical Cepheids across the Galactic thin disk 23
Totale 6.864
Categoria #
all - tutte 34.810
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 34.810

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020311 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 182 30 84 15
2020/20211.214 83 59 165 85 135 68 187 22 59 91 59 201
2021/2022623 57 36 49 134 34 15 86 58 52 30 53 19
2022/2023722 136 64 73 60 41 118 28 68 64 35 28 7
2023/2024456 26 23 28 18 14 71 24 22 85 11 36 98
2024/20252.324 18 106 39 117 51 276 683 980 54 0 0 0
Totale 6.864