This paper investigates the phenomenon of the effectiveness of the freedom of corporate establishment and the related needs to reorganize the structure. A circumstance that has led to the need to found, at European level, an ad hoc legal instrument, capable of going beyond the legal boundaries of the member States. The cross-border merger, allowing a wider exercise of the freedom of establishment, fits perfectly with the constant commitment pursued by the European Union, towards the creation of a single market that opens up new opportunities for prosperity, both in the commercial and in the workplace. Lastly, the EU Directive no. 2121 of 2019, fully regulating cross-border transactions, underlines the path traced by the promotion of economic growth, through greater harmonization of the legislation applicable to companies with an intra-community nature. The comparative survey of European legal systems allows us to grasp the evolution of this institution from a regulatory competition perspective, as well as the overseas experience has shown the potential of a standardized legislation.
Il contributo indaga il fenomeno dell’effettività della libertà di stabilimento societario e delle relative esigenze di riorganizzare degli assetti. Circostanza che ha determinato la necessità di fondare, a livello europeo, uno strumento giuridico ad hoc, in grado di oltrepassare i confini normativi degli Stati membri. La fusione transfrontaliera, consentendo un più ampio esercizio della libertà di stabilimento, si inserisce in perfetta sintonia con l’impegno costante perseguito dall’Unione europea, verso la creazione di un mercato unico che dischiuda nuove opportunità di prosperità, sia in ambito commerciale che lavorativo. Da ultimo, la Direttiva UE n. 2121 del 2019, disciplinando compiutamente le operazioni transfrontaliere, rimarca il solco tracciato dalla promozione della crescita economica, attraverso una maggiore armonizzazione della normativa applicabile alle imprese, che abbiano spunti di carattere intracomunitario. L’indagine comparatistica degli ordinamenti europei permette di cogliere l’evoluzione di tale istituto in un’ottica di concorrenza regolamentare, così come l’esperienza d’oltreoceano ha dimostrato le potenzialità di una normativa uniformata.
Salvatore Aceto di Capriglia
This paper investigates the phenomenon of the effectiveness of the freedom of corporate establishment and the related needs to reorganize the structure. A circumstance that has led to the need to found, at European level, an ad hoc legal instrument, capable of going beyond the legal boundaries of the member States. The cross-border merger, allowing a wider exercise of the freedom of establishment, fits perfectly with the constant commitment pursued by the European Union, towards the creation of a single market that opens up new opportunities for prosperity, both in the commercial and in the workplace. Lastly, the EU Directive no. 2121 of 2019, fully regulating cross-border transactions, underlines the path traced by the promotion of economic growth, through greater harmonization of the legislation applicable to companies with an intra-community nature. The comparative survey of European legal systems allows us to grasp the evolution of this institution from a regulatory competition perspective, as well as the overseas experience has shown the potential of a standardized legislation.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.