BIANCO, Vincenzo
BIANCO, Vincenzo
Dipartimento di Ingegneria
A clear sky physical based solar radiation decomposition model
2018-01-01 Scarpa, Federico; Bianco, Vincenzo; Tagliafico, Luca A.
A comparison of the application of RSM and LES turbulence models in the numerical simulation of thermal and flow patterns in a double-circuit Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube
2016-01-01 Bianco, Vincenzo; Khait, Anatoliy; Noskov, Alexander; Alekhin, Vladimir
A micro-credential approach for life-long learning in the urban renewable energy sector
2024-01-01 De Rosa, M.; Glumac, O.; Bianco, V.; Pallonetto, F.
A novel steady-state approach for the analysis of gas-burner supplemented direct expansion solar assisted heat pumps
2013-01-01 Scarpa, Federico; Tagliafico, LUCA ANTONIO; Bianco, Vincenzo
Addressing rising energy needs of megacities – Case study of Greater Cairo
2021-01-01 Abd Alla, S.; Simoes, S. G.; Bianco, V.
Advanced solar technologies in buildings
2019-01-01 De Rosa, M.; Conti, P.; Mahmoudi, Y.; Bianco, V.
An Analysis of the Electricity Sector in Romania
2014-01-01 Bianco, Vincenzo; Oronzio, Manca; Sergio, Nardini; Alina Adriana, Minea
An innovative approach to local solar energy planning in Riva Trigoso, Italy
2020-01-01 Abd Alla, S.; Bianco, Vincenzo; Tagliafico Luca, Antonio; Scarpa, Federico
An investigation of the thermal performance of cylindrical heat pipes using nanofluids
2010-01-01 Maryam, Shafahi; Bianco, Vincenzo; Kambiz, Vafai; Oronzio, Manca
An Italian case study of life cycle assessment for a drinking water dispenser
2024-01-01 Bianco, V.; Cascetta, F.; Nardini, S.; Plomitallo, R. E.
Analysis and forecasting of nonresidential electricity consumption in Romania
2010-01-01 Bianco, Vincenzo; Oronzio, Manca; Sergio, Nardini; Alina A., Minea
Analysis and future outlook of natural gas consumption in the Italian residential sector
2014-01-01 Bianco, Vincenzo; Scarpa, Federico; Tagliafico, LUCA ANTONIO
Analysis of Electricity and Natural Gas Security. A Case Study for Germany, France, Italy and Spain
2022-01-01 Krikstolaitis, R.; Bianco, V.; Martisauskas, L.; Urboniene, S.
Analysis of electricity consumption in the tourism sector. A decomposition approach
2020-01-01 Bianco, Vincenzo
Analysis of energy demand in residential buildings for different climates by means of dynamic simulation
2016-01-01 Bianco, Vincenzo; DE ROSA, Mattia; Scarpa, Federico; Tagliafico, LUCA ANTONIO
Analysis of technology diffusion policies for renewable energy. The case of the Italian solar photovoltaic sector
2021-01-01 Bianco, V.; Cascetta, F.; Nardini, S.
Analysis of the carbon emissions trend in European Union. A decomposition and decoupling approach
2024-01-01 Bianco, V.; Cascetta, F.; Nardini, S.
Analysis of the efficiency of using heat exchangers with porous inserts in heat and gas supply systems
2020-01-01 Rydalina, N.; Antonova, E.; Akhmetova, I.; Ilyashenko, S.; Afanaseva, O.; Bianco, V.; Fedyukhin, A.
Analysis of the European Energy Context: A Snapshot of the Natural Gas Sector
2017-01-01 Bianco, Vincenzo
Analysis of the local entropy generation in a double-circuit vortex tube
2018-01-01 Khait, Anatoliy; Noskov, Alexander; Alekhin, Vladimir; Bianco, Vincenzo