The recent informatization process of the cadastral cartographic heritage has resulted, in some cases, in a worsening of the geometric quality of maps; in fact, new distortions due to scanning, georeferencing and vectorization of the original maps have been added to the errors already inherent the map. In this work, the geometric congruence between the original maps of establishment and the current vectorial maps exportable from the WEGIS (Web Enabled GIS) in CXF (Cadastral eXchange Format), has been verified by examining several sheets of the Eboli town (SA). Since the above format is not supported by the main commercial software products, a Java tool has been implemented, that allows to read CXF files, manipulate appropriately the geometries and the information contained therein and, finally, generate and export the map sheets in shapefile format. Although there are several software that perform these operations, it was decided to develop a new in Java to provide a basis for future implementation, of the functionalities described above, in a web service provided by the application server WildFly (formerly known as JBoss). At a later stage, the actual maps of establishment (available as non geo-referenced raster files) were georeferenced in order to be compared with the current cadastral maps. This operation was repeated by using various transformations (linear, second and third order polynomial) and, for each of them, the precision was estimated based on the residuals analysis. After each georeferencing process, for each raster, a shapefile of some land parcels uniformly distributed in the original map was created. By comparing the two shapefiles obtained, respectively, from the CXF vector map and from the original georeferenced map, the shifts in the north and east directions, as well as, the differences of area between current and original land parcels were evaluated.
Il recente processo d’informatizzazione del patrimonio cartografico catastale ha comportato, in alcuni casi, un decadimento della qualità geometrica delle mappe; infatti, agli errori già presenti sul supporto cartaceo, si sono aggiunte nuove deformazioni legate alle operazioni di scansione, georefenziazione e vettorializzazione degli originali d’impianto (OI). In questo lavoro, prendendo in esame diversi fogli del comune di Eboli (SA), è stata verificata la congruenza geometrica tra le mappe d’impianto e quelle vettoriali attuali esportabili dal WEGIS (Web Enabled GIS) nel formato CXF (Cadastral eXchange Format). Poiché il suddetto formato non è supportato dai principali software in commercio è stato implementato, in ambiente Java, un tool che consente di leggere i file CXF, di manipolare opportunamente le geometrie e le informazioni in esso contenute e, infine, di generare ed esportare i fogli di mappa in formato shapefile. Anche se esistono diversi software che effettuano tali operazioni, si è preferito svilupparne un nuovo in Java per costituire una base per una futura implementazione, delle funzionalità sopra descritte, in un servizio web fornito dall’application server WildFly (già noto come JBoss). In una fase successiva, al fine di confrontare le mappe catastali attuali con quelle d’impianto (disponibili sotto forma di file raster non georiferiti), è stato necessario georiferire queste ultime. Tale operazione è stata ripetuta impiegando varie trasformazioni (lineare, polinomiale di secondo e di terzo grado) e, per ciascuna di esse, l’analisi dei residui ha consentito di stimarne la precisione. Dopo ogni singolo processo di georeferenziazione è stato creato, per ogni raster, uno shapefile di alcune particelle distribuite in modo uniforme nel foglio d’impianto. Ponendo a confronto i due shapefile ottenuti, rispettivamente, dalla mappa vettoriale CXF e dalla relativa mappa d’impianto georiferita, è stato possibile valutare gli spostamenti, in direzione nord ed est, e le differenze areali, che le attuali particelle mostrano rispetto a quelle d’impianto.
Verifica della congruenza geometrica tra le mappe di impianto catastali e l’attuale formato vettoriale
Botta, L.;Pepe, M.;Prezioso, G.
The recent informatization process of the cadastral cartographic heritage has resulted, in some cases, in a worsening of the geometric quality of maps; in fact, new distortions due to scanning, georeferencing and vectorization of the original maps have been added to the errors already inherent the map. In this work, the geometric congruence between the original maps of establishment and the current vectorial maps exportable from the WEGIS (Web Enabled GIS) in CXF (Cadastral eXchange Format), has been verified by examining several sheets of the Eboli town (SA). Since the above format is not supported by the main commercial software products, a Java tool has been implemented, that allows to read CXF files, manipulate appropriately the geometries and the information contained therein and, finally, generate and export the map sheets in shapefile format. Although there are several software that perform these operations, it was decided to develop a new in Java to provide a basis for future implementation, of the functionalities described above, in a web service provided by the application server WildFly (formerly known as JBoss). At a later stage, the actual maps of establishment (available as non geo-referenced raster files) were georeferenced in order to be compared with the current cadastral maps. This operation was repeated by using various transformations (linear, second and third order polynomial) and, for each of them, the precision was estimated based on the residuals analysis. After each georeferencing process, for each raster, a shapefile of some land parcels uniformly distributed in the original map was created. By comparing the two shapefiles obtained, respectively, from the CXF vector map and from the original georeferenced map, the shifts in the north and east directions, as well as, the differences of area between current and original land parcels were evaluated.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.