The transport with High Speed Craft (HSC), in other words with hydrofoils, catamarans and monohulls, involves indisputable advantages in the movements via sea; on the other hand, the high speeds reached by these means cause wake wash waves that have negative impact on the coastal environment and on the structures set in proximity of the shoreline, as well as on people safety. These wake wash waves may be significantly reduced by estimating their magnitude and choosing opportunely routes andspeed.This note describes a study conducted for this purpose which shows how, with the aidof cartography and low-cost GPS satellite receivers, it is possible to detect, with accu-racy suitable to the purposes required, a set of parameters (distance from the coast,speed and depth), relative to an HSC, to be correlated with wavemeters data for the phenomenon analysis.
Il trasporto con High Speed Craft (HSC), ossia con aliscafi, catamarani e monocarena, comporta indiscutibili vantaggi negli spostamenti via mare; per contro, le elevate velocità raggiunte da tali mezzi provocano onde di wake wash che hanno impatto negativo sull’ambiente costiero e sulle strutture poste in prossimità del bagnasciuga, nonché sulla sicurezza delle persone. Tali onde possono essere notevolmente ridotte stimandone l’entità e scegliendo opportunamente rotte e velocità. In questa nota si descrive uno studio effettuato a tal fine in cui si evidenzia come, con l’ausilio di cartografia e di ricevitori satellitari GPS a basso costo, sia stato possibile determinare, con precisioni idonee alle finalità richieste, un insieme di parametri (distanza dalla costa, velocità e profondità), relativi ad un HSC, da correlare ai dati ondametrici per l’analisi del fenomeno.
Ricevitori GPS a basso costo per uno studio del wake wash
PREZIOSO, Giuseppina;SANTAMARIA, Raffaele
The transport with High Speed Craft (HSC), in other words with hydrofoils, catamarans and monohulls, involves indisputable advantages in the movements via sea; on the other hand, the high speeds reached by these means cause wake wash waves that have negative impact on the coastal environment and on the structures set in proximity of the shoreline, as well as on people safety. These wake wash waves may be significantly reduced by estimating their magnitude and choosing opportunely routes andspeed.This note describes a study conducted for this purpose which shows how, with the aidof cartography and low-cost GPS satellite receivers, it is possible to detect, with accu-racy suitable to the purposes required, a set of parameters (distance from the coast,speed and depth), relative to an HSC, to be correlated with wavemeters data for the phenomenon analysis.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.