ALES, Edoardo
ALES, Edoardo
Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Giuridiche, Informatiche e Motorie
(The Right to) Work as Foundational Value: Italy and the Very Notion of a Constitutional Promise
2019-01-01 Ales, Edoardo
2002/14/EC: Framework Information and Consultation
2015-01-01 Ales, E.
Accesso alle qualifiche dirigenziali
2011-01-01 Ales, E.
Adapting Labour Law to ‘Digital’ Work: Between Scholarly Interpretation, Case Law and Legislative Intervention
2020-01-01 Ales, Edoardo
Against All Odds: A History of Resilience and Human Centred Recovery for the EU
2023-01-01 Ales, Edoardo
Art. 1 – Le finalità della legge e la nozione di servizio pubblico essenziale
2000-01-01 Ales, E
Art. 20 – Vecchi e nuovi “raccordi normativi” della l. n. 146/1990
2000-01-01 Ales, E
Art. 2093 Imprese esercitate da enti pubblici
2013-01-01 Ales, E.; Riccio, A.
Art. 2129 - Contratto di lavoro per i dipendenti da enti pubblici
2013-01-01 Ales, E.; Riccio, A.
Article 1 RESC, The right to work
2018-01-01 Ales, Edoardo
Article 153 TFEU
2018-01-01 Ales, Edoardo
Article 27 CFREU. Workers’ right to information and consultation within the undertaking
2018-01-01 Ales, Edoardo
Article 29 CFREU. Right of access to placement services
2018-01-01 Ales, Edoardo
Article 31 CFREU. Fair and just working conditions
2018-01-01 Ales, Edoardo
Article 4 ECHR. Prohibition of slavery and forced labour
2018-01-01 Ales, Edoardo
Brevi considerazioni a margine del Codice di condotta per la prevenzione delle molestie sessuali e morali
2005-01-01 Ales, E
Collective action and fundamental freedoms in Europe. Striking a balance
2010-01-01 Ales, E.; Novitz, T.
Collective action in Italy. Conceptualising the right to strike
2010-01-01 Ales, E.; Gaeta, L.; Orlandini, G.
Collocamento in aspettativa
2011-01-01 Ales, E.
Commento all’art. 44
2000-01-01 Ales, E