PONTE, Salvatore
PONTE, Salvatore
An embedded platform for positioning and obstacle detection for small unmanned aerial vehicles
2020-01-01 Ponte, S.; Ariante, G.; Papa, U.; Core, G. D.
Atmospheric effects on rotary LiDAR-based systems for UAS missions
2023-01-01 Ariante, Gennaro; Ponte, Salvatore; DEL CORE, Giuseppe
Bluetooth Low Energy based Technology for Small UAS Indoor Positioning
2022-01-01 Ariante, G; Ponte, S; Del Core, G
Conceptual Design of a Small Hybrid Unmanned Aircraft System
2017-01-01 Papa, Umberto; Ponte, Salvatore; DEL CORE, Giuseppe
Estimation of Airspeed, Angle of Attack, and Sideslip for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Using a Micro-Pitot Tube
2021-01-01 Ariante, G; Ponte, S; Papa, U; Del Core, G
Ground Control System for UAS Safe Landing Area Determination (SLAD) in Urban Air Mobility Operations
2022-01-01 Ariante, Gennaro; Ponte, Salvatore; Papa, Umberto; Greco, Alberto; Del Core, Giuseppe
Obstacle detection and ranging sensor integration for a small unmanned aircraft system
2017-01-01 Papa, Umberto; Del Core, Giuseppe; Giordano, Giovanna; Ponte, Salvatore
Real-Time Obstacle Detection and Field Mapping System Using LIDAR-ToF Sensors for Small UAS
2021-01-01 Ariante, G.; Papa, U.; Ponte, S.; Del Core, G.
Safe Landing Area Determination (SLAD) for Unmanned Aircraft Systems by using rotary LiDAR
2021-01-01 Ariante, G; Ponte, S; Papa, U; Del Core, G
UAS for positioning and field mapping using LIDAR and IMU sensors data: Kalman filtering and integration
2019-01-01 Ariante, Gennaro; Papa, Umberto; Ponte, Salvatore; Del Core, Giuseppe
Velocity and attitude estimation of a small unmanned aircraft with micro Pitot tube and Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
2020-01-01 Ariante, G; Papa, U; Ponte, S; Del Core, G